Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hi bloggers!..How's ur day?.. 

Today i went to the city, well maybe i told you something before we go to that part, shortly..haha..

I have psych tutorial class at 13.45 after lunch break, so i took my lunch in chinese restaurant, and it tasted soo...yuck..well, not that yucky but i think it s just soo not. Gak banget aja gethoo loo..haha.. n after i finished my lunch which i was late cause it's already 13.50.. so i walked faster, looked for the room.. i found it and the door was opened, and..

Me : Oops..sorry sir, I'm late (wif smile in my innocent face..-'__'-)
Ian : Come in..=)

I walk to my seat, he talk to the class and when I just put my bag in the table...just put it and..

Ian : Okay that's all..You can go home now...
Class : Yeaa..=D..
Me: (Stand stiil for a second, turn around) Seriously?? (with my stupid face now)
Ian : Ya..
        See ya' all next week..=)
Class : Bye sir..haha..blablabla...

and i just like...what???..haha..So stupid..So i finished early and i went to the city..Yayy!..=D..

bak to the ' i went to the city'.. i looked around , looked for my purple converse high top shoes, it's more expensive than if i buy of couse i decided to buy online..=).. I looked for clothes and others too..there are so many things I wanted to buy but unfortunately the price is tak sesuai ma kocek bye all..hikshiks..kta memang tak jdoh trunkan hrga mu dahulu brulah kta jodoh...hahaha..which make me think..Thanks I live in suburb, if i live in the city i will see these georgous things every day, the temptation will be soo~ aarghh!!..haha..but i bought thights and scarf and cookies for sure!!..haha...

I bought Famous Amos, 200g Chocolate chip..Yummy!!..I am cookies-maniac now..-'__'-..

and SmithS for the chips, it's kinda same with old potato chips in indonesia..yumyumyum..Kraaaukk!
dan dengan ini gue juga mo mngkabarkan bahwa saya telahhhhhhh~....*dengdengdengdeng lol resmi kembali menjadi tukang ngemil!!...Ice-cream, chips, chocolate and cookies dan apapun bentuk mu yg pnting lezat!..Mommy's home!!!..lols...

=) , Cia..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ya seperti judulnya, hari ni ak bnar2 sadar n ngrasain rndu brat abis..da mpe klimaksnya!..
So today I just want to share my thought and my feeling..I think blog is d best way to express wad i feel  and wad i think now..Thanks Blog..=)..

Beberapa hari ni ak sadar , pa yang kupikir  'bahgia' 'fun' 'enak banget' dan laennya tu cma hanya ntuk sementara wktu bkan sesuatu yg benar2 lou rsakan ddlam kecuali klo d saat tu loe memang merasa bahagia..It's a different case then..=)..

''You can lie, pose for 'happy' pics , but you know what , it still not change anything on inside''

What you need is real people, real happy moments, real feelings, real things, Real you!..
So you don't need to pretend, cause it's never last long dan yg ad cma buat sakit di dalam..

Just be you, show ur feeling,who you are. Kalo emang teman, mereka pasti nerima loe apa adanya...
*kecuali loe memang freak psycho gmna gethooo..haha..ya itu saya juga tak tau gmna blangnya..haha..
Take time, no need to push ur self , karena semua ada wktunya..So enjoy ur time now, bersyukur buat apa yg loe dapat sekarang ni..

Kita boleh mengeluh,bersedih tapi dibalik itu kita harus berusaha ntuk memperbaiki nya,bukan hanya meratapi nasib dan menunggu dtangnya keajaiban, that's not how life works, lebih banyak untuk melihat sesuatu itu dalam sisi yang positif..

Seorang teman pernah berkata ''Belajarlah untuk lebih melihat sesuatu itu sebagai hal yg wajar dan membuatnya menjdi hal yang lebih baek''. Nice right?..=)...

Ak punya prinsip bahwa setiap kejadian , baek ato buruk, selalu ada hikmah dibaliknya, tinggal pande2 kita melihat keadaan dan mengambil sisi positif nya aja..

Jadi enjoy aja lah ciaaa!! Have fun girl! Focus on your study and don't think too much!..

Dan yg kedua,
Aku rndu banget ma semua nya!!!..

Rindu keluarga..Mom, Jepe, Brian Botak Tik Tak, etc...>.<..
Rindu teman-teman di Medan, anak2 Neya Diipa, rndu gubuk dimana hari2 tu dilewati dgan gilariang gembira dan musik tawa serta canda..buahaha...rndu kegiatan2 SMA dmna smua berusaha wlau pada akhirnya gak dpt stu gelar pun hahaha, tapi kebersamaan tu jadi lebih erat, We're maybe not the winner, but we're the best for us!..

Rndu teman-teman di Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Singapore...semuaa da!..
Rindu orang-orang yang uda jadi bagian dari kehidupa sehari-hari ku..
Rndu Makanan nya yg pastiii!!!hahaha..ak rndu belacan, rendang, nasi uduk, sop buntut, dim sum, bakso , n laennya!!..Gak bsa ditrusin, ilerku uda netes2 ne..-__-''..hahaha...

Rindu Kamarku...
Rindu Maen Piano, wlau aku bkan jenius ato profesional, but i really love music and love to play piano =), rindu duduk, tekan2 tuts mbil nonton tv, rndu saat latian n saat2 terdesak..haha, rndu saat maen piano dgn serius..

Rndu Maen Biola, rndu saat maenin lagu2 nya, rndu saat mo concerts atopun exam..I have to admit..I love violin the most!..>.

Rindu dan sedih semua yg kutinggalin d Medan,but like i said, Ak tetap bersyukur buat ap yg ak dpt skrng ne, kta tdak bisa tetap diam di titik yg sama kan slamanya?! Ttap maju walau badai menghadang sekalpun..*ca ilaa~..haha..

Last word..Think Positive, Enjoy this life and Rock the boat!..hahaha..

xoxo, cia.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just a day...

Just want to say hi guys!'s ur day?...I'm gud, did some cleaning,online for 9 hours!..12 caserol (not sure how to write it..haha) for dinner which i'm so full now,watched Master Chef Finale..It's a  great show!..and there will be Junior Master Chef..When I watched the trailer, saw the kids and the food they's like..Omigosh?!They are genius..I am genius too..but it is just different!...=p...wkakaka..well..can't wait 2 see it!..=))..

Aniway, tomorrow classes start and i'm so exciting!..>.<..Class starts at 9 so i better off now..Sleep tight all!..

See yaa..=)..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Aussie night!

Hello again!..haha..just want to update some news..Today is Aussie night!!..but It's not as fun as last week..I wonder why..hmm..But still..We have beer today!!..hahaha...

First menu : Sausages + Cheese + Onion + Chili sauce = Fantastic!

Isn't it nice?..yummy..haha..and d's australian beer..not as smelly as Indonesian but still..when you drink has some kind of stingy sensation...-__-"...hahaha..

Sue gave me full glass...-__-''..

And this is me with my wierd face with question in my head : How i'm going to drink it all??!
But Joe kinda use to it's fine with her..Look at gulp and it's all out!..

Hahaha..just kidding..=p..

And last but not least *jrengjrengjrengjreng! and cream Ice cream!!..Yummy!!...XD..

Great dinner hah?!..haha..Kam Eng Sue!...=))...and Nite all..


Hi is our last day of orientation and on monday my classes will begin!..yayy..!..Today the weather kinda nice..i hav my class in d afternoon so i woke up aroud 9...It felt went to the school round 2 p.m take care of some banking things..-.-''...haha...After that I met Thu tao n Minh..They are from Vietnam..Meet them..=)..

So we went to the leeper library but because i still had my hot cinnamon chocolate, I was waiting outside, enjoying the day, taking some photos..

and practicing using focus on camera

Not bad right?!..haha...

Then, after a a while, puuppp!..a kneaded paper felt from sky or you can say 2nd floor..haha...At first i think, Wth??..Someone's trying 2 make fun of it?!..So i just left it there, finished my hot choco but then i just grabbed the paper and saw what is it..and guees what?'s phone number!..wkakakaka...

and i took a picture of it...lols..

Oh and I learnt some Vietnam languange...but i just remember one now!!..-.-''..haha...

Well, that's d story of my last orientation day..Kam eng!!(means thank you) I want to say bye2 too but i forget ..byee!!..=))...

P.s : Dude..Just an advice, next time ask a girl her phone number, not give yours if she doesn't ask for it...hahahaha...but nice trick!..=p..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunny Day in Winter!'s your day?..Me?..great! I hav psychology n History of Ideas or HOI!HOI!HOI! (The teacher just keep yelling it..HOI!) is kinda good..Ian, our psychology lecturer told us about the subliminal message that hidden on disney cartoon which i had knew before from Youtube and he told us about Jeffrey Dahmer, a pscho killer guy, just googled it and you'll find the story too..i just read it and it's like..crazy!!..Just can't believe how human being can do something so out of control..??!?..and for History of Ideas?! idea!

Anyway..=)..Today sun's out and we have a little picnic out's great! (and finally i sit on d grass wif friends,having good time, just like i see overseas students do in brochures, which i've dream for a long long time..lols)...and things are getting better too..=)..hope tomorrow will be so much better!..=))..

and a little time for narsiscm too..wkakakaka...
Luv today!..Nite all!..=))..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hello again!...Yesterday I'm too tired to write new post..haha..I went 2 Maru and Koala Park yesterday.
We went buy bus n its sucks!!..No more bus! I feel dizzy n funny! and this trip kinda boring ( I don't know what the point of this excursion though?!?) except for the kangaroo'r so cutee!!..=))..

and there are koalas of them was scratching it butt!..lols..

Ocidoci..Nite all..=))..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Skype Time!..=)..'s ur day going?..I'm at home this one day...i would like to go out  but i'm kind of i am sitting 24 hurs right in front of mac..hahaha...I went to the vic market n city's a nice place..i want 2 go to dat place again buy some stuff..haha..I'll have pic next time i go there..=)..
N just now i just skype-ing wif Helen..Here's some photo of her silly all..

Friday, July 16, 2010

First Champagne

Today i have my first champagne!..Oh yeah~..haha..Me, Sue n Joe..n we decided that every friday nightbecome a cocktail night!..yuhuu~!!'s come up the photo of us...=)..Great night!..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Life

Okidoki...Now I'm officialy writing a blog!..haha..

I'm in Melbourne now..I have been here for 8 days..Now I'm in my homesytay..Nice house..=)..I started my college on July 12..It's still on orientation..Melbourne uni is so big,old n georgous!I'll have sum photos of it soon..haha...

Today..hmm..we had tem's so's like competition..n well..our group was doing great..but at the end we lose..=(..but it's okay..we were doing great ..n it's just a game right?..haha..
Hope tommorow will be fun too.. Gud Bless...

P.s : Well you know, about two days ago, kaki gue digilas taksi!!!'s hurt but luckily there's no serious problem..Thanks to God n the boots!..haha...