Saturday, September 11, 2010


 Today , Seven years ago, there was a huge tragedy happened in United States, Four planes had been hijacked by members of al-Qaeda, Two of them hit the twin towers,World Trade Center. One hit Pentagon and the last one, Flight 93 was crashed down to a field in Pennsylvania. 

About 3 days ago, I watched a documentary film  9/11 stage of emergency It's about what was happened in that day. So ironic to see all the tragedies. 
Peolple scream, people run away, people jump off from the building. People cry. People die.

This is the picture of the WTC.
As you can see, one with the black smoke is the north building, hit on the first time around 8:46 by American Airlines Flight 11, and followed by the second one the south building by United Airlines Flight 175 at 9:03.

At the end, both the buildings collapsed.
It was so scary to see even in the movie, the smoke got bigger and went to all directions with fast speed, and people just run and hide to save their lives.

Not just that, abot half an hour later, American Airlines 77 was flew into the Pentagon, the United States Department of Defense.

Last one, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10: 03.

All in one day! Can you imagine that?? 

There are movies about 9/11. 

World Trade Center
Nice movie and I cried haha
Should watch it. Recommended! =)

Flight 93
I haven't seen this movie, I'd love to though. 

My teacher had told me about this movie. 
It's about what happened in the plane.
What I remember the most is that they knew already that they were going to die so in last minute they called their families and their beloved people. Saying goodbye...
I think of it and it is so so so sad.
It must be a hard depressed tough time for them.
I mean, I couldn't think if it's happened to me or if I were in situations like that.
 Last minute, talking to your families, not going to see them again. and I know that Death is waiting for me. 

In memoriam of 9/11.
 Bless for families and friends who was left behind.
Bless the victims. May God be with them.

oOo, Cia..

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