Tuesday, November 9, 2010


On my way of doing HOI essay, 1200 word and I'm done half now.
It's due on this Friday. This essay has been told to us from 6 weeks ago and yeah, I just started last week haha, you know what I mean lol.. 
Anyway, I'm doing my best now but I kinda stuck with the words, 1200 words!
So just for a short break to refresh my mind, I write this post. =)

The current condition is my room's light were all off and those has not been change to new one yet, so there's just one little lamp in my room. Pretty though, my room now is like some vintage classy old room, it's like peaceful, the air is cool haha so nice.. 
Aaah~ the vintage light, the comfy bed, the cool air, the slow music, and exHOIting HOI. lol
(Don't get me wrong, I like HOI, at least I don't hate it, but when it comes to essay emm~ I prefer not to have anythings to do with it haha)
Aren't those all good reasons for sleeping?!lol
I'm so tired and I don't know why.
I was looking at the mirror, and see my tiring face, it's like I have huge burden to carry or what or maybe I'm not have enough sleep? I have no idea. I think I have.
and I need massage oh yeah~ I do need and I want it. It's been ages haha
It's like all my bones produce this ''krek krek'' sounds lol

Ocidoci! I have to go back to my HOI or else I'm really going to sleep lol..
I still get half an hour to do. 
I've decided that it's better for me to sleep early so I have enough rest and can wake up in the morning haha 10.30 is like my latest bed time haha..
Though I don't know how long this 'system' gonna last haha

Oci!Wish me luck and my lovely HOI essay!lol

oOo, Cia..

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