Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Be Positive Be Happy

First of all, I don't want and I'm not trying to preach or teach or whatever in here, I just want to share. =)

We must have heard all those 'Positive Thinking' 'Be Postive' stuff, and We say "Yes, Be Positive" to ourself and to others. But the question is, Are we really practically practice it in our life?
Only yourself that can answer that question.

You know friends, I don't really know when it started, it's around one and half year ago maybe that I start to have this principle and if you read my blog, you must know that I always say

"Whatever happens, good or bad, there is always something to learn, there is always a good side of it, all we need to do is be positive and thankful for it!  God has prepared the best plan for us too, so have faith!"

It doesn't mean that we can't complain, we can't be sad or dissapointed or angry and everything, I myself sometimes complain, sad, dissapointed, and angry too when things don't go well. Feel free to have feelings, my friends, because those feelings that make us humans.
 What I am trying to say is that don't let those negative feelings control and overpower yourself, we may feel sad, but then rise, take the lesson of it and move forward.
It doesn't mean too that when you become positive, your life will be change 180ยบ and everything will be beautiful..No!hahaha. But it will help your self, your thought, your feelings and your life so much better that you don't even realise it, trust me. =)

Maybe It's hard for some people, but you just gotta try and do your best, I believe, if you work hard and have determination in you heart, there is always a way out.

"When all the doors are closed, there must be an opened window, somewhere."

I hope it helps. Sorry if there's anything wrong. All the best!
Remember, Stay Positive!haha

oOo, Cia..

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